Pengaruh Pola Makan Vegetarian Lakto-Ovo terhadap pH Saliva

  • Shanty Chairani universitas sriwijaya
  • Vivi Stefani
  • Nursiah Nasution
Keywords: diet, lacto ovo vegetarian, salivary pH


Background: Lacto-ovo vegetarian has been associated with a higher risk of nutritional deficiencies. Some studies have reported that nutritional deficiencies could affect salivary pH. Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet on salivary pH differences. Method: This study used an observational analytic study with a cross sectional approach. This study involved 40 healthy subjects aged 17-44 years consisting of 2 groups: lacto-ovo vegetarian (n= 20) for at least 1 year and non vegetarian (n = 20) as a control group. Pregnant women, anticholinergic and alcohol consumption, smoking habits and DMFT > 5 are exclude from this study. The collection of unstimulated saliva was done using the spitting method. Saliva pH was measured using a digital pH meter. The data obtained were statistically tested using the Mann-Whitney test. Results: The mean salivary pH values in the lacto-ovo vegetarian diet group were lower than those of the non vegetarian group. There is a significant difference in salivary pH between lacto-ovo and non vegetarian group (p<0,05). Conclusion: Individuals with lacto-ovo vegetarian diet have a low salivary pH which might influence their oral health.


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How to Cite
Chairani, S., Stefani, V., & Nasution, N. (2023). Pengaruh Pola Makan Vegetarian Lakto-Ovo terhadap pH Saliva. Andalas Dental Journal, 11(1), 28-34.